
Enthusiasm of the Indonesian Chef Association Visits Ajinomoto Visitor Center

Publish with Author Ajinomoto at 18 March 2020

There is something different from visiting the Ajinomoto Visitor Center (AVC) this time. If AVC visitors usually come from the Association of Islamic Boarding Schools, and also from educational institutions, this time from the Indonesian Chef Association (ICA). Based on genba in the hotel, restaurant and catering channels and Nielsen's survey shows the role of "Chef" as one of the decision makers in determining a product to use.

On Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in collaboration with Horeka Dept. - Ajinomoto Sales Indonesia, colleagues from the Indonesian Chef Association of DKI Jakarta, invite 52 Chefs and the Jakarta Horeca Team to explore the Karawang Ajinomoto Visitor Center which has "Recipe Book of Deliciousness" concept or A Delicious Recipe Book owned by Ajinomoto Indonesia.

The purpose of the Chef's visit this time is to see the overall business activities, Ajinomoto's contribution to the Indonesian people, and the process and the final product quality and to improve communication between Chefs and the Horeka Team so that they can facilitate appointments when visiting their restaurant or hotel.

"The visit from ICA DKI Chef is very important for us, in addition to show our quality products, also chefs as key opinion leader can convey the messages to other chefs about Ajinomoto. Previously we have also held various Events with other Chef Associations, "said Mr. Irwan Aripin, Horeka Manager - Ajinomoto Sales Indonesia.

This visit was special because it was also attended by Ms. Sisca Soewitomo and finalist Master Chef Indonesia season 4, Chef Axhiang, Youtuber Chef Mrs. Swan, which is members of the Indonesian Chef Association.

The series of visits this time began with a security & safety presentation in the Karawang Factory area, a video screening titled "Recipe Book of Deliciousness" that tells the history of the discovery of umami and the secret of Umami deliciousness, and presentation of MSG Safety by Public Relations Manager, Mr. Harris Fadhillah.

Furthermore, Chefs are invited to enter the "Exhibition" room which is divided into 3 zones, and continued with factory visits to the factory, Sajiku®, and Saori®. The Jakarta Branch sales team also conducted a series of taste tests to the chef.

"This activity is certainly very positive for those of us who work as Chefs, if it can be held every year because we see firsthand the production of quality Ajinomoto products, I am more confident that the role of a Chef is very assisted in making menu applications, hopefully with the presence of products Quality flavoring can continue to support Chef's work in Indonesia, but don't let his role be completely replaced, "joked Chef Abiem Sjamsoedin (Executive Chef Catering PT), Coordinator of the Jakarta ICA Education Sector, when delivering testimonials.

Ms. Sisca as legendary chef in Indonesia give comment that Ajinomoto needs to have a recipe book from a menu of professional chefs in order to contribute to Indonesian cuisine and in the future if there is a meeting like this in order to bring Chefs from Japan to learn from each other.

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