
Recook Kachimeshi Menu for Team Sports Lovers

Publish with Author Ajinomoto at 30 March 2023

Team sports are sports that are carried out in teams (more than one person), so good cooperation between players and the right strategy is needed to win. Team sports require energy from aerobic-anaerobic processes in a balanced proportion. When doing high-intensity sports that require fast strength, such as running after a ball or hitting a ball hard, the body's energy metabolism will run anaerobically using energy reserves stored in glycogen. Whereas during low-intensity exercise such as walking, the energy metabolism used is aerobic, where energy will be obtained from stored carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. The sports included in the category of game sports include:

Each sport has a different energy metabolism and nutritional needs from carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, including team sports. In this sport, are recommended to meet the needs of carbohydrates 50-60%, 12-15% protein, and 30-35% fat of the total daily energy needs. This time, Kachimeshi's menu will also include several food recipes adapted to meet the nutritional needs of team sports lovers.

1. Staple Foods

Red Rice


Rice which is a staple food of most Indonesian people can also be a good alternative source of carbohydrates for athletes and even sports lovers. Rice can be combined in a sports lover's diet in the pre-workout phase, during, and after exercise to help reduce fatigue caused by decreased muscle glycogen. Glycogen is a glucose reserve stored in the muscles as the body's energy source. Among the various types of rice, red rice is very suitable to be included in the Kachimeshi menu because it contains higher fiber, vitamins, and minerals than white rice. Including red rice in the pre-and post-workout meal, the menu will provide sports lovers with long-lasting energy and a good source of complex carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, and minerals to replenish glycogen stores in the muscles depleted during exercise.

2. Main Course

Saori®-Style Sweet and Sour Shrimp



- 200 g shrimp -     5 ml Saori® Saus Tiram

- 20 g big green chili -     35 g leek

- 20 g big red chili -     2 g ground pepper

- 20 g carrot -     5 g sugar

- 10 g garlic -     30 ml cooking oil

- 35 g onion -     10 ml tomato sauce

- 30 g lime  

Cooking Step:

- Clean the shrimp and marinate them with lime juice. Shut up 10 minutes ago and rinse it clean.

- Saute the garlic and onions until wilted and fragrant. Add carrots, leek, big red chili, and big green chili. Saute briefly and add water cook until the water reduces.

- Enter the shrimp and cook until cooked or change color. Add the tomato sauce, Saori® Saus Tiram, sugar, and ground pepper, add a little water, and cook until it boils, and the flavors are absorbed.

- Saori®-Style Sweet and Sour Shrimp are ready to be served.

One Saori®-Style Sweet and Sour Shrimp recipe can be served for 3 servings and each portion contains:

3. Side Dish

AJI-NO-MOTO®-Style Tempeh Twisted Satay



- 200 g tempeh -     10 g lime leaves

- 45 g egg         -     2.5 g ground pepper

- 20 g cornstarch -     2 g salt 

- 24 g shallot -     10 g cayenne pepper

- 15 g garlic -     2 g MSG AJI-NO-MOTO®

- 5 g coriander -     10 ml cooking oil

Cooking Step:

- Grind the shallots, garlic, and cayenne pepper. Mash the tempeh set aside.

- Mix the spices that is grounded, eggs, and lime leaves. Add ground pepper and AJI-NO-MOTO®.

- Add finely mashed tempeh and cornstarch and stir until the seasonings and tempeh are perfectly mixed. Take the tempeh mixture and wrap it around the lemongrass stalks repeat until all the tempeh mixture finish.

- Heat the grill pan and brush with cooking oil and grill the satay until cooked evenly. AJI-NO-MOTO®-Style Tempe Twisted Satay is ready to be served.

One AJI-NO-MOTO®-Style Tempeh Twisted Satay recipe can be served for 4 servings and each portion contains:


4. Vegetable

Masako-Style Sauteed Green Bean Cauliflower



- 200 g cauliflower -    50 g onion

- 100 g green beans -    35 g leek 

- 50 g ear mushroom -    30 ml cooking oil

- 30 g big red chili -    2.5 g ground pepper

- 15 g garlic         -    15 ml worcestershire sauce

- 5 g Masako® Gurih Pas

Cooking Step:

- Cut and wash the ingredients thoroughly and set aside.

- Heat cooking oil, then saute onion and garlic until fragrant. Add the cauliflower, stir-fry until slightly wilted, and add the green beans.

- After the vegetables almost cook, add the ear mushrooms, big red chili, and leek.

- Add Worcestershire sauce, Masako® Gurih Pas, and ground pepper, then add a little water. Stir until cooked, and all the spices are absorbed, then serve it.

One Masako-Style Sauteed Green Bean Cauliflower recipe can be served for 4 servings and each portion contains:


5. Fruit

 Golden Kiwi


Not many people know that this fruit from New Zealand belongs to the group of berries formerly called Chinese Gooseberries. Unlike other types of berries, Kiwi has a large size, which is the size of an egg. Kiwi is full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber that the body needs. Kiwis are divided into two types, namely Green Kiwi and Golden Kiwi. Both Kiwi is different in physical appearance and nutritional content. Golden Kiwi has a higher content of Vitamin C and E than Green Kiwi, but compared to other fruits such as oranges, pineapple, and papaya, these two types of Kiwis have a higher Vitamin C content.

Golden Kiwi is the right choice to include in the Kachimeshi set menu because of its high Vitamin C and E content good for sports lovers. Vitamins C and E are important antioxidants because when there is an increase in physical activity during exercise there is also an increase in energy production and free radicals resulting from energy metabolism, these two antioxidants function to neutralize these free radicals. In addition, Vitamins C and E also play a role in accelerating the healing process when injured.

6. Kachimeshi Complete Set Menu



Staple Food : Red Rice (200 g)

Main course : Saori®-Style Sweet and Sour Shrimp (140 g)

Side Dish         : AJI-NO-MOTO®-Style Tempeh Twisted Satay (85 g)

Vegetable Menu : Masako-Style Sauteed Green Bean Cauliflower (135 g)

Fruit          : Golden Kiwi (150 g)

Let's review the Kachimeshi menus earlier to help meet your nutritional needs, both when exercising and doing your daily activities.

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