
PT AJINOMOTO INDONESIA & PT Ray Hikmah Jaya Distribute Livestock Feeds to Farmers in the Karawang Region

Publish with Author Ajinomoto at 22 December 2022

Karawang, December 8th 2022 - Located in the multi-purpose building in Walahar Village, PT RAY HIKMAH JAYA (RHJ) FEED MILL - a livestock feed manufacturing company located in Karawang in collaboration with PT AJINOMOTO INDONESIA (Ajinomoto) provides animal feed support for farmers in Walahar Village - Karawang Region. This initiative is a form of the company's contribution in supporting the Food Security program for the livestock sector.

“The role of the business world is urgently needed in preserving the environment, increasing social welfare and providing economic value to society. On this occasion we are not just doing CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) but more than that we want to form CSV (Creating shared value). Through this CSV activity, the company's operations can provide added value to the community. We try to make a positive contribution to the people around our company and to the Karawang Regency, so that our presence benefits everyone," said Adi Susanto - Director of PT RAY HIKMAH JAYA (RHJ) FEED MILL.


Present in Indonesia since 1969, Ajinomoto contributes to better health for Indonesian families by unlocking the power of amino acids to overcome food and health problems related to dietary habits and aging through contributing to improvements in terms of food, health and a useful life. Adhering to the Ajinomoto Share Value (ASV) which focuses on the pillars: health and wellbeing, food resources, and global sustainability, Ajinomoto is increasingly developing itself through various product and service innovations.

Through the ASV program, Ajinomoto wants to realize sustainable growth, through creating a good cycle in reinvesting the economic value created by making a positive contribution through the Group's continuous business activities. Through the sustainable implementation of ASV, Ajinomoto hopes to increase corporate value by having a positive impact on society. Ajinomoto hopes that this animal feed distribution program will become a sustainable program so that it will have a positive impact on supporting the Food Security program, especially in the Karawang Regency area.


This program has goals that are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). TPB/SDGs aim to maintain an increase in the community's economic welfare on an ongoing basis, maintain the sustainability of the community's social life, maintain the quality of the environment and inclusive development and implement governance that is able to maintain an improved quality of life from one generation to the next. So that, both directly and indirectly, the program can support the Government's program in realizing national food security through the provision of animal feed to the community.

This livestock feeding program also encourages the government to realize the food security program as stated in:

  1. Regulation of the Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia Number 7 of 2021, and
  2. Regulation of the Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia no 8 of 2022 Concerning Priority for Use of Village Funds for 2022, Chapter II Priority for Use of Village Funds, Article 6 point 2 Use of Village Funds for national priority programs according to Village authority is prioritized for achievement Village SDGs, letter C, i.e. c. strengthening vegetable and animal food security to create a Village without hunger, Ajinomoto and RHJ distributed 6 (six) tons of animal feed to 12 (twelve) breeders in Walahar Village - Karawang Regency.



"This is one of our initiatives as an industry engaged in the food sector in contributing to food security which is expected to become a sustainable program and can also provide inspiration for other industry players to participate in National Food Security. Ajinomoto hopes that this program can have a positive impact on related parties. Food availability also contributes to maintaining national economic stability in the midst of global dynamics, so it needs full support from all parties for the food security program in realizing food sovereignty and self-sufficiency (food resilience). Food security is not only a priority but also a target for people's welfare and distribution of welfare." said Samsul Bakhri - Director of PT AJINOMOTO INDONESIA.

The Head of Walahar Village – H. Adi Supriyadi is grateful for the contribution of Ajinomoto and RHJ through this animal feed distribution program. According to him, this program can improve welfare in the region and also help economic progress for Walahar Village and Karawang Region.

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