
Ajinomoto Reveals MSG Safety Facts through Nutritionist & BPOM RI

Publish with Author Ajinomoto at 26 December 2018

In an effort to continue to socialize the facts about the safety of Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), PT. Ajinomoto Indonesia in collaboration with the Culinary Nutrition Foundation (YASMIN) held a scientific dialogue event at Istiqlal Madrasah - Jakarta, which also presented experts on nutrition & food, as well as expertise from the Food & Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM RI).

Familiar nutritionist and expertise name such as Professor Made Astawan (IPB Nutrition Expert) & Mrs. Deksa (Head of Sub-Directorate of Food Safety Standardization BPOM RI) who are experts in their fields also spoke at the event entitled “Dialog Ilmiah Bersama Pakar Gizi & Kesehatan: Kupas Tuntas Bahan Tambahan Pangan MSG, antara Mitos dan Fakta”.

To explore the facts of MSG food safety, Prof. Made Astawan tried to explain the elements that make up MSG. "As the name implies" Monosodium Glutamate "consists of minerals / sodium (Na), glutamic amino acids, and water. These three elements are actually nutrients that the body needs, "he said.

Prof. Made also revealed the raw material for the MSG maker which is currently made by producers of mecin or MSG and continues to grow. "On an industrial scale, the MSG manufacturing company makes its products from raw materials such as sugar cane, cassava, corn, and so on. As produced by Ajinomoto, using sugar cane drops, "said Prof. Made

In addition, the health issues surrounding the MSG were also discussed in a scientific discussion attended by 135 participants from teachers, students, parents of students, and doctors.

"There are still a lot of people who are mistaken about the 'micro generation'. They think that MSG or micin makes the brain become stupid, "said Prof. Made.

"In fact, I mentioned earlier that MSG contains glutamate amino acid. Glutamate is one of the constituents of protein. About 20% of our body weight is protein, and glutamate is the most abundant in the brain and muscles, "he continued.

Based on the explanation of Prof. Made, it is clear that the issue of micin or MSG can cause brain damage or be stupid can be indisputable.

Even in terms of regulations, MSG which is included in the food additive (BTP) category of flavoring, is permitted to be used in Indonesia because it has been regulated through PERMENKES No. 033 of 2012 concerning food additives.

"Food additives are permitted if declared safe by JECFA (FAO Joint Expert Committee / WHO on Food Additive) and supported by a security review by the Indonesian Expert Team. Besides that, it is also included in regulations related to BTP in Indonesia, "said Ms. Deksa from BPOM RI.

"The use of MSG is also not limited to numeric numbers. Because MSG is included in the category of BTP which is permitted to use it in sufficient quantities, which is needed to produce a modified taste to suit the tastes / tastes of the user, "Deksa continued.

MSG is a UMAMI (Savory) spice which is the fifth basic taste, like sugar for sweetness and salt for saltiness.

Overall, a scientific discussion to discuss the facts of MSG security held by Ajinomoto Indonesia received a positive response, and the participants were very enthusiastic about participating in the discussion. This can be seen from the number of participants who asked questions to the two speakers presented.

There were participants who worked as doctors, enthusiastically asking about scientific journals regarding the maximum threshold for using MSG. Then there is also Mr. Roby as one of the parents of guardians of students in the Istiqlal Madrasah. He asks about the expiration of food ingredients and the difference with fast food.

The participants who attended the scientific discussion also responded well to the material presented by the speaker. Some of them before taking part in scientific discussions were very rarely using flavor enhancers, especially MSG, in their daily cooking.

"Before taking part in a scientific discussion from experts here, indeed I cook cooking at home rarely using MSG. Now, after hearing the material from the experts here, I came to understand and my thoughts became more open, thank you, "said one of the participant.

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