
The Most Popular Myths and Facts About MSG, Mecin Lovers Must Know!

Publish with Author Ajinomoto at 12 July 2023

Monosodium glutamate (MSG) or micin, which is known to the public as a food flavor enhancer and a source of Umami flavor, has been used for more than a century. Even though MSG can add to the delicacy of food, there are many bad myths about MSG, you know.

So that you don't get the wrong information about flavoring, let's look at the most myths about MSG and facts about MSG that you must know as follows:

MSG is considered a trigger for hypertension
So far, consuming MSG is often considered a cause of hypertension. In fact, MSG does not trigger the disease because the sodium content is only one-third of the sodium content in table salt. Prof. Hardinsyah from the Department of Community Nutrition, IPB, explained that MSG and table salt both contain sodium. However, at the same concentration, the amount of sodium in MSG is less than table salt. MSG contains only 12 percent sodium, while table salt contains 39 percent sodium.

MSG is considered a headache trigger
Based on The International Classification of Headache Disorders 3rd edition in 2018, MSG has been removed from the Journal of The International Classification of Headache as a cause of headaches or migraines. ICHD has removed MSG from this list based on scientific evidence.

MSG Causes Bad Effects on the Brain (Ignorance)
This one myth is very attached to society, some people think MSG is a trigger for decreased brain function, especially in children. However, this has not been proven to be true.

According to the International Glutamate Information Service page, a number of studies actually show that MSG does not have a negative effect on the brain's central nervous system. And also the most glutamic acid is in the brain and this plays an important role in the formation of memory and memory.

MSG Causes Cancer
There is no scientific evidence that states MSG causes cancer. Based on research by Matsumoto, 1977, the cause of cancer is food that is burned at temperatures above 500◦C, these foods are already carcinogenic. MSG added to food cooked at a reasonable temperature does not cause cancer.

Risk factors for cancer are genetic, hormonal, contamination, smoking, consuming foods high in salt and fat but lacking in fiber. According to Prof. dr. Aru W. Sudoyo, SpPD, KHOM, FACP Chairman of the Indonesian Cancer Foundation stated that there was no link between MSG and cancer.

For you machine lovers who want to know more about MSG AJI-NO-MOTO, please click here!


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