
Ajinomoto Indonesia Create Charity for Orphans During Ramadhan

Publish with Author Ajinomoto at 22 May 2019

"Charity activities with orphans are routine agenda for us every year. I see that this event is very good, so that we can continue in togetherness and care for the community around us. I also hope that with this event there will be a good synergy to realize our ideals and goals, Ajinomoto becomes Dantotsu No. 1 Food company in Indonesia, "said Mr. Tsutomu Nara, VP of PT. Ajinomoto Indonesia.

The activity, which was held in mid-May 2019, involved employees in Ajinomoto's factories and offices such as in Mojokerto, Karawang, Jakarta, Surabaya and Medan branches, and also at Sunter Jakarta for head office. Beside this charity activity, we also have a break fasting with Ajinomoto Indonesia employees.


According to our data, approximately 600 orphans each year have participate in this activity. This amount is the total of the charity activities that carried out in several places such as Ajinomoto Indonesia Head Office, Mojokerto Factory, Karawang Factory, Medan Branch, Surabaya Branch, and Jakarta Branch.

"I also hope that with this event there will be a good synergy to realize our ideals, Ajinomoto becomes Dantotsu No. "Food companies in Indonesia and Ajinomoto become companies with social values that make a real contribution and are trusted by the Indonesian people," Mr. Nara continue

Also at the moment of Ramadhan, Dapur Umami PT Ajinomoto Indonesia, again held an activity titled 'Ramadhan Blessing with Dapur Umami'. This activity was held with the intention of giving a new glance of activities in Dapur Umami through the socialization Umami Seasoning or Monosodium Glutamate’s security interspersed with Tausiyah Ramadhan by ustadzah to participants from several Majelis Ta’lim around Jakarta. This Ramadhan 1440 H edition of Dapur Umami also features a tasty, healthy and of course Umami's cooking menu.

On this occasion, as a speaker, Ir. Hj. Osmena Gunawan, Deputy Director of Information and Information Sector at LPPOM MUI, conveyed the importance of consuming halal food.

Regarding several chain messages via WhatsApp that are often circulating in the community on behalf of one of the pesantren in Kediri, East Java since 2016. The message mentions seasoning products (one of which is Masako® and AJI-NO-MOTO®) which are stated to contain pork. Mrs. Osmena as Deputy Director of Information and Information Sector LPPOM MUI confirmed that the message was confirmed to be hoax or false news.

"Recently the issue or news (hoax) has reappeared by profiteering Dr. Muchyidin Junaidi Lc, MA. The MUI's International Cooperation Sector as the person who posted the news, in my opinion, this is certainly invalid because the halal food is under the auspices of the MUI's Economic Sector, and that is Dr. Lukmanul Hakim, MSi, "said Mrs. Osmena.

"I am in the capacity of Deputy Director of Information and Socialization, so I know exactly that those messages on WhatsApp are hoax or false news. I confirmed to the person concerned (Dr. Junaidi) and he also felt that he had never spread that message, because he felt it was not his authority, "he continued.

About PT Ajinomoto Indonesia

PT. Ajinomoto Indonesia is a leading producer of food seasonings that has colored the lives of Indonesian people with high-quality products and presents delights at every consumer's cuisine. With its global slogan 'Eat Well, Live Well', at the age of 50 years, PT Ajinomoto Indonesia has scored remarkable achievements that signal the strength and resilience of a company that can make a major contribution to the people of Indonesia.

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