
Recook Kachimeshi Menu for Power Sports Lovers

Publish with Author Ajinomoto at 11 January 2023

Power is the ability of the muscles to exert maximum force in a short time. Power is a component of fitness that is needed in almost every sport to make it easier to master basic techniques because power has many uses in an activity as throwing, hitting, running, or even kicking. There are several examples of sports that belong to the power sports group that is often contested and loved by the public, including:

  1. Weightlifting
  2. Javelin Throw
  3. Bodybuilding
  4. Hammer Throw
  5. Instrumental Gymnastics
  6. Shot Put
  7. Long Jumping
  8. Boxing
  9. Discus Throw

Each sports group certainly has different nutritional needs from one another, as well as power sports. Power sports lovers are advised to meet their needs of macronutrients with a composition of 50% carbohydrates, 20% protein, and 30% fat in a day to maximize their sports achievements and support their daily activities. Kachimeshi has prepared a set menu whose nutritional content has been adapted to the nutritional needs of power sports lovers so that it can enrich the menu references for power sports lovers at home.

1. Staple Foods

Red Rice

The staple food is a source of carbohydrates that provides energy for sports lovers in carrying out sports and daily activities. From many staple food choices, red rice can be a recommendation for sports lovers because apart from being lower in calories, red rice has a higher fiber content with a lower glycemic index and also has a higher vitamin and mineral content than white rice.

2. Main Course

Saori®-Style Beef Bulgogi



  • 250 g thin sliced beef (fat <5%)
  • 1.25 g ground black pepper
  • 15 g garlic
  • 5 g ginger
  • 75 g onion
  • 5 g ground bell pepper
  • 50 g leek
  • 2.5 g AJI-NO-MOTO® MSG
  • 20 ml sweet soy sauce (Low Sodium)
  • 10 ml honey
  • 10 ml Saori® Saus Tiram
  • 10 ml sesame oil
  • 2.5 g sugar
  • 5 roasted sesame
  • 15 ml cooking oil

Cooking Step:

  • Marinate the beef with sweet soy sauce and Saori® Saus Tiram, store in the fridge, and let stand for 1 hour for the flavors to infuse
  • Finely chop the garlic and ginger, then slice the onion lengthwise while the leek is cut obliquely
  • Heat the oil, add the onions, garlic, and ginger, then sauté until fragrant after that adding the marinated beef
  • Add sesame oil, ground black pepper, sugar, honey, ground bell pepper, and AJI-NO-MOTO® MSG then stir thoroughly until the meat cooked and the spices are completely absorbed
  • Finally, add the sautéed leeks until slightly wilted, then add the roasted sesame seeds. Beef Bulgogi is ready to be served

One Saori®-Style Beef Bulgogi recipe can be served for five servings and each portion contains:


3. Side Dish

AJI-NO-MOTO®-Style Tofu Omelette



  • 100 g silken tofu
  • 30 g leek
  • 100 g egg
  • 2.5 g ground pepper
  • 30 g carrot
  • 1 g salt
  • 15 g big red chilli
  • 2 g AJI-NO-MOTO® MSG

Cooking Step:

  • Cut the carrots and big red chilies into small squares, chop the leek thinly and dice the tofu, then set aside
  • Crack two eggs and add ground pepper, AJI-NO-MOTO® MSG, and salt then stir until the spices are well blended
  • Add the chopped chilies, leek, and large red chilies, stir until evenly distributed, then add the diced tofu.
  • Heat a small non-stick pan, then pour the mixture into the pan
  • -Cook over low heat and flip each side until cooked evenly tofu omelette is ready to be served

One AJI-NO-MOTO®-Style Tofu Omelette recipe can be served for three servings and each portion contains:


4. Vegetable

Masako-Style Saute Green Beans Shrimp



  • 250 g green bean
  • 20 g red cayenne pepper  
  • 100 g shrimp
  • 2 g Masako® Gurih Pas 
  • 35 g shallot
  • 10 ml cooking oil
  • 15 g garlic

Cooking Step:

  • Peel the shrimp skin leaving the tail, clean the dirt inside the shrimp by slicing the back
  • Cut the green beans and cayenne pepper obliquely, peel and chop the garlic and shallots then set aside
  • Heat the oil, sauté the shallots and garlic until fragrant, add the shrimp, and stir until they are reddish, then add the green beans and red cayenne pepper
  • Lastly, add Masako® Gurih Pas and stir until evenly distributed sauté the green beans until cooked then serve

One Masako-Style Saute Green Beans Shrimp recipe can be served for two servings and each portion contains:


5. Fruit

 Sunkist Orange 


Sunkist oranges are a type of orange whose way to enjoy is to cut them using a knife, which is different from other oranges that are peeled. One Sunkist Orange can meet the body's need for Vitamin C up to 70% and Folic Acid up to 20%. Sunkist oranges have many benefits that should not be missed by sports lovers, including being a source of antioxidants, helping to maintain blood pressure and blood sugar, maintaining a healthy heart and skin, and preventing anemia and kidney stones. Therefore, Sunkist Oranges are the right choice to complement the Kachimeshi menu.

6. Kachimeshi Complete Set Menu



Staple Food    : Red Rice (200 g)

Main course    : Saori®-Style Beef Bulgogi (95 g)

Side Dish    : AJI-NO-MOTO®-Style Tofu Omelette (93 g)

Vegetable Menu : Masako-Style Saute Green Beans Shrimp (200 g)

Fruit    : Sunkist Orange (1/2 fruit ± 100 g)

These Kachimeshi recipes can be an inspiration for sport lovers at home in meeting their nutritional needs. Let’s recook the recipe and maximize your sports achievements!

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